045 875311 admin@naascns.ie

Active School Flag

1. Physical Education

  • To promote the physical , social, emotional and intellectual development of the child.
  • To develop positive personal qualities.
  • To help in the acquisition of an appropriate range of movement skills in a variety of contexts.
  • To promote understanding and knowledge of the various aspects of movement.
  • To develop an appreciation of movement and the use of the body as an instrument of expression and creativity.
  • To promote enjoyment of physical activity , develop a positive attitude  towards physical activities and develop an appreciation of its contribution to lifelong health and related fitness. Consequently, the child is being prepared and equipped to enjoy an active and purposeful use of leisure time.

Curriculum Planning

The PE curriculum has 6 strands. They are as follows:

  • Athletics
  • Aquatics
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Games
  • Outdoor and Adventure activities

Priority Strand

This year we prioritised the Games Strand. We focused on improving childrens ball handling skills.

Organisational Planning

One hour per week is allocated to P.E.
Coaches are used to support the class teacher in aquatics and Games (GAA Coach, Triathlon Coach and Swimming Coach)

2. Physical Activity

Students took part in the daily mile initiative. Our senior classes took part through running laps of our yard and school area over the year. Some of our students attended an award ceremony where the school received our certificate from Ray Darcy.

Fyffes Fitness Squad

3 Partnerships

Our local games development officer has worked with various classes over the year. She has been developing our children’s ball skills, hurling, camogie and movement. We would like to thank Naas GAA for the use of their facilities in this regard.


Naas GAA

Our First class student took part in a football blitz in Naas GAA club.

Our 3rd class took part in a Hurling Blitz 

Hawkfield Cross Country Competition

Students from 4th to 6th class took part in the inter schools cross country running competition.


FAI 5 a-side Soccer

Our school competed in the FAI 5 s-side soccer competition. We did very well in this competition with our girls team progressing to the county finals.

























Mini 7s GAA Competition

Our girls and boys competed in two local mini 7s GAA football competitions.














Triathlon Ireland

Triathlon worked with our senior students over a 5 week period. They

FAI Workshops

FAI workshop around Racisim in sport.



Boys Basketball Team

Indoor Futsal Competition.

Our boys and girls competed in an indoor futsal competitions.

4 Active School week

Tug of War

Flash Mob

Sports Day




Penalty Shoot Out

Teachers v Students a very serious effort was put in on both sides!


Go Noodle


Operation Transformation 10 @10 initiative.

After school Athletics club.

Our after school athletics club is run by Múinteoir Darragh on Wednesadys.

Halloween fitness challenge

Our Parents Association organised a Fancy Dress Fitness Challenge as a school fund raiser. Children of various classes had to carry out numerous challenges on the day.

Playground leaders

Our Active School Playground leaders have been working hard in the Junior yard. They have been organising activities and games for the younger children during lunch time. They have shown great leadership and brought about a positive change to our playground.

Active School walkway

Children are encouraged to talk and walk in our senior yard. We have a mapped route for people to stay active during lunch times. We can talk the talk at Naas CNS and we can now walk the walk!