045 875311 admin@naascns.ie

School Policies

Naas CNS school policies are created in conjuction with staff members and are tailored to suit the needs of our growing school. Our policies are working documents which will change with the changing needs of our school. We will post further policies as the school continues to grow and develop. Please feel free to read our policies by choosing a link below:

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
This document outlines the school’s policy on permitted usage of the internet. The policy applies to all internet users of CNS and all methods of internet access, including desktop computers, laptop computers, mobile telephony, tablets, personal digital assistants (PDA’s) and other devices capable of accessing the internet...
Administration of Medicines Policy
An Administration of Medication policy has been in existence in the school since October 2013. The policy was recently drafted through a collaborative school process and was ratified by the single manager on 29 October 2013. This policy is intended for internal use in the school and may be viewed by parents/guardians in the administration office or on school website...
Anti-Bullying Policy
Attendance Policy
Establising good attendance habits from the very beginning is very important.
Code of Behaviour
This policy was ratified by the BOM in September 2023
Substance Abuse Policy
The world in which we live presents young people with many challenges, which affect their health and well-being. Exposure to alcohol, tobacco and drugs is part of this reality. Schools need to reflect upon how they might provide for the needs of their student cohort and respond appropriately to what are sometimes sensitive and emotive issues.
Website Management Policy
The CNS website and individual school websites will be hosted on the ETBI website with the proviso that the updating and management of the website for each school remains in the hands of the principal and/or website manager of each school.
Parental Complaints Procedure
Social Media Policy
Use of Mobile Phone and Electronic Devices Policy
Headlice Policy
Multi Grade Policy
Healthy Eating Policy
Uniform Policy
Intimate Care Policy
NCNS Child Safeguarding Statement Risk Assessment and notification of review
NCNS Child Safeguarding Statement, Risk Assessment and notification of review
Safety Statement