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Múinteoir Ruairí 6.5.20

Wednesday 29/04/2020

Hello everyone. I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. We got a great response last week on the Aladdin app. Some people did amazing tea stain maps and I got some excellent Octopus’s Garden pictures. Keep sending in your photos and have a look at the other work on the school website.
Because we only have three days this week, we are going to take a break from the book work and concentrate on our project work for the next three days.

English: Describe the main characters of your story. Answer the following questions to help you:
– What is their name? – What do they look like? – What do they sound like/how do they talk? – What is their personality like? – What is their relationship with the other characters in the story? – What is their goal in the story? E.g. to find the buried treasure, to arrest the criminal mastermind, to kill the superhero, to take over the world.
Gaeilge: Find the Irish word for 10 things in your kitchen.
Maths: You have €30. Make a shopping list of things you would buy from the leaflet below. How much will you spend? What change will you have left over?
Art/housework: Look in your wardrobes and clear out any old clothes that you don’t wear anymore. Don’t throw them out yet! You’ll need them tomorrow.
PE: https://family.gonoodle.com/ Do two videos a day.
Diary: Write a diary for each day of the week. Use the following headings to help you:
• Housework – how did you help out in the house? • Exercise – what exercise did you do? • Highlight – what was the best part of your day? • New Information – what did you learn today? • Feelings – How do you feel today? • Goal – Write one thing you’d like to achieve tomorrow.

https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=568C4EE10DF47788EB5C389AD399BB3AA EC931CE&thid=OIP.jwWs8diHjEBVAmjuGFLDQHaII&mediaurl=http%3A%2F%2Fi42.tinypic.com%2F25sx4av.jpg&exph=821&expw=748&q=te sco+special+offers+this+week&selectedindex=8&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,6

I hope you are all keeping safe and are making the best of the extra family time. Don’t forget to help out at home and be good. Don’t annoy your poor parents too much!!!
Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your amazing work.
All the Best,
M. Ruairí

W4 Wednesday pdf


Happy Thursday! Its nearly the weekend already!
We are going to continue with our project work. Keep the pictures coming in.

English: Do the plan for Chapter One of your book. Use the following hints to help you.
– Introduce your main characters. – Describe what normal life is like for your characters. – Describe the setting (where the book is based) – Put a hook in the end of your chapter. A hook is something that makes the reader want to keep reading. It could be something exciting that happens at the end of the chapter, it could be a secret that won’t be revealed until the next chapter, something awful happens to a character and we have to wait until the next chapter to find out are they OK.
Gaeilge: Find the Irish word for 10 things in your sitting room/living room/TV room.
Maths: Measure the height of everyone in your family and answer the following questions. Write all your answers in a) cm and b) m and cm:
– What is the height of the shortest person? – What is height of the tallest person? – What is the difference between the tallest and shortest person? – What is the total height of everyone in your family altogether? – What height are you? – What is half your height? – What is double your height?
Music: Think of three songs that make you think of summer. Listen to each of the songs and write the names of the song, the artist and why they make you think of summer. E.g. One of my favourite summer songs is Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra because the lyrics are all about the rain and clouds leaving and the sun shining and  making everyone happy.
Art: Draw a simple picture of a flower. Draw your flower nice and big, especially the petals. Use the pictures below to help you. Don’t colour your flower in. We will be doing that tomorrow!
PE: https://family.gonoodle.com/ Do two videos a day.
Housework: Do at least one piece of housework.
Diary: Write a diary for each day of the week. Use the following headings to help you:
• Housework – how did you help out in the house? • Exercise – what exercise did you do? • Highlight – what was the best part of your day? • New Information – what did you learn today? • Feelings – How do you feel today? • Goal – Write one thing you’d like to achieve tomorrow.


I hope you are all keeping safe and are making the best of the extra family time. Don’t forget to help out at home and be good. Don’t annoy your poor parents too much!!!
Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your amazing work.
All the Best,
M. Ruairí

W4 Thursday pdf


It’s the weekend!!!
We are going to continue with our project work. Keep the pictures coming in.

English: Write Chapter One of your book. Use your plan from yesterday to help you.
Gaeilge: Find the Irish word for 10 things in your bedroom.
Maths: Shape Hunt – Look around your home and find the following:
1. Five squares 2. Five circles 3. Five rectangles 4. Five triangles 5. Three semi circles
Art: GET AN ADULT TO HELP YOU. Use the old clothes you collected on Wednesday. Cut out the shapes of the petals, centre and stem from the old clothes. Stick these shapes onto your drawing of the flower. You can glue them, stable them, use Sellotape or simply lay the fabric on your picture and take a photo. You can use the pictures below to give you inspiration.
PE: https://family.gonoodle.com/ Do two videos a day.
Housework: Do at least one piece of housework.
Diary: Write a diary for each day of the week. Use the following headings to help you:
• Housework – how did you help out in the house? • Exercise – what exercise did you do? • Highlight – what was the best part of your day? • New Information – what did you learn today? • Feelings – How do you feel today? • Goal – Write one thing you’d like to achieve tomorrow.


I hope you are all keeping safe and are making the best of the extra family time. Don’t forget to help out at home and be good. Don’t annoy your poor parents too much!!!
Looking forward to seeing the pictures of your amazing work.
All the Best,
M. Ruairí

W4 Friday pdf