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Múinteoir Danielle 08.06.20


Wellbeing Week

Hi Senior Infants,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I hope you enjoyed the short week last week and thank you to everyone who sent in lovely pictures. I had a lovely weekend and met up with some of my friends that I had been missing which was very nice. What did you get up to?

This week is Wellbeing Week- we will be concentrating on looking after ourselves – our body and mind. There are lots of fun activities this week such as Yoga, mindfulness and lots more!! Similar to previous weeks there is no pressure to complete all the work – just do what suits your family pick and choose! There are lots of different yoga videos if you would like to try different ones on:



I hope you enjoy carrying out the activities- don’t forget to share the work you are doing by sending in some photographs we would love to see how you get on this week.

Have fun!!!

Múinteoir Danielle

Mindful Monday:

Yoga class:

Minecraft Yoga : https://youtu.be/02E1468SdHg

Mindfulness Activity At The Beach https://youtu.be/K4DUoJ22r4Y

Wellbeing Challenge :Random Acts of Kindness

See can you do three kind things today for someone at home. You could help Mam or Dad setting the table, you could help your little brother or sister with their work or you could give someone a big hug and tell them how great they are.

Below is a list of ADDITIONAL activities that you might like to do!

Possible screen free evenings-read a book, chat, play board games.
• Try to get 10+ hours of sleep each night. (8+ for adults J)
• Introduce the topic of mindfulness-Use online guided meditations/app ‘Calm’ or ‘headspace’/Go Noodle/’Positive regard/goodwill mindfulness’ sheet
• Mindful colouring-DEAC ‘drop everything and colour’-colouring sheets included

Thankful Tuesday:

Yoga Class : Frozen Yoga


Mindfulness Activity: Mindfulness in the Garden : https://youtu.be/XXbzJ0do50U

Wellbeing Challenge : 5 Senses Challenge

Sitting quietly in your bedroom or the garden can you notice, 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch/feel, 2 things you can hear and 1 thing you can taste. When you are finished see can you draw a picture of some of the thing you noticed.

Below is a list of ADDITIONAL activities that you may wish to do :

  • Develop an attitude of gratitude-fill in gratitude chart
    • Make an acrostic poem to show gratitude
    • Write thankful letters to friend/family
    • End of the day- list 3 things they are thankful for

Wellness Wednesday:

Yoga Class :Pokemon Yoga : https://youtu.be/tbCjkPlsaes

Mindfulness Activity: The Treehouse https://youtu.be/lSZcCErKffM

Wellbeing Challenge: Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

  1. Find something that makes you happy
  2. Something to give someone else to make them smile
  3. Find one thing that you love to smell
  4. Find one thing that you enjoy looking at
  5. Find something that’s your favourite colour
  6. Find something that you are thankful for in nature
  7. Find something that you can use to make a gift for someone
  8. Find something that is useful for you

Below is a list of ADDITIONAL activities that you may wish to do:

Positive emotions potion-list positive emotions
• Make Wellness week posters
• Weaving wellbeing videos online-google Vimeo weaving wellbeing-Rainbow moments https://vimeo.com/channels/wwb/166080724

Triumphant Thursday:

Yoga Class : Harry Potter Yoga : https://youtu.be/C52wOIqkw2s

Mindfulness Activity: Wind in the Trees    https://youtu.be/meybCQsTnxM

Wellbeing Challenge: My Mantra Activity

Attached is a pdf of some examples of mantras for children. Here what we mean by mantra is a simple phrase which can be repeated by the child to create a positive state of mind. Please create your own positive mantra today.

Class celebration of personal triumphants-children take a photo of   awards/certs

FEEL -GOOD Friday:

Taking care of my body-healthy eating, exercise-

Try eat 5 portions of fruit and veg

Yoga Class : Dance Party Yoga : https://youtu.be/23VdtT0vQUY

Mindfulness Activity : The Hot Air Balloon    https://youtu.be/_3clVR9CtDY

Wellbeing Challenge :My Rainbow Moments

Have a look at this video


and think of three of your rainbow moments from week. You can record them any way you like for example you could draw your rainbow moments or write some sentences or a poem about your rainbow moments.

Enjoy your weekend everyone and I hope you enjoy your FEEL -GOOD FRIDAY. Don’t forget to share some of your photographs from the week!!


Múinteoir Danielle